In today's episode we discuss what I've coined "sleazeball" and why its a bad idea to engage with your recruiters this way.
Read MoreLearn from a mistake I made early on for negotiating! This quick episode is about should you lead with an amount first and what to do when you're asked "What's the lowest you would take for a job?”
Read MoreThis episode is hitting on the two biggest tips when asking for better pay on your travel contract! Learn from a marketing empire and ways to be tactful to getting more money and without feeling like a bad traveler.
Read MoreHello everyone! I’m back from a brief hiatus and jumping right back in to the Negotiation Series, this time with some actionable recommendations. Today’s episode dives into some key things you should consider and be aware of when it comes time to negotiate for a successful travel contract.
Read MoreSo, how much can you really make? What holds you back from making more money as a traveler? Are bill rates dropping? Why? Stay tuned to find out!
Read MoreSometimes a happy and courteous disposition goes a long way when trying to build a relationship with your recruiter. A good recruiter looks for these things out of a traveler as much as a traveler does from a recruiter.
Read MoreSo, you may be a really great clinician, but you're really not nailing those negotiations. Here's why and what to do about it.
Read MoreToday's episode is part one of the Negotiation series focusing on recruiter expectations and how to make sure you get a good deal.
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