Lessons Learned After 1 Year of Travel Podcasting: Interviewed by Laura of Nomadicare - Episode 52
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In this annual edition of the show, Laura of Nomadicare helps me celebrate 1 year of the New Medical Nomads Podcast! As Laura interviews me, listen to what I have learned in the past year for: travel, habits, favorite stories and my message to all those new to traveling and on the fence of making the jump!
Lessons After 1 Year of Travel Podcasting: Interviewed by Laura or Nomadicare
Episode 52 Show Notes
2:00 Dylan's travel roots
5:00 Habits and Consistency
10:00 "You're going to mess something up."
11:00 Making friends is easy!
13:00 Favorite Travel Stories
14:00 SkyScraper Bar in Chicago, IL https://www.signatureroom.com/
15:00 Sloss Factory in Birmingham, AL https://www.slossfurnaces.com/
19:00 What does 'home' mean to you?
21:00 "What problem do you want?"
23:00 Developing systems
28:00 The Hamilton Soundtrack https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLjQpKlmn_hsUCFFvkYW2uQDj_cRmS0Tlo
32:00 The Freedom of Location
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